An open-source Database to Create “Guardian-Angel” AI

An open-source Database to Create “Guardian-Angel” AI

An Open source Artificial Intelligence Database

Have you wished for a guardian angel in your childhood? Who doesn’t want an angel to save them from every mishap? Unlike the figure of childhood imagination, this concept is turning out to be a reality. An artificial intelligence database is making this possible. Intel India’s head Nivruti Rai claims that AI will boost its calibre and will act like a ‘guardian angel’.

We are living in a totally unpredictable world. We are at a constant risk of colliding with dangers. Furthermore, our mind remains busy due to multitasking and thousands of thoughts. That is why, we need extra support to save us from physical as well as mental traps.

Open source machine learning is one of the best approaches towards this issue.

How is a  Modern Day “Guardian Angel”? : Artificial Intelligence Database

Nivruti quotes an example of a smart bike - the ‘Motoroid’. Her concept bike has the following features.

  • Firstly, it is self balancing.
  • It can detect hand gestures.
  • The bike can even follow you.
  • It can also crunch data from sensors to make it more efficient.

This is not a bike, but a co-pilot working on an artificial intelligence database. Now, asimilar concept is applicable to many areas of our mundane lives. Whether it is AI assistants, smart watches or AI spectacles, this concept will be seen everywhere in the coming years.

Scope of AI powered “Guardian Angels” : Artificial Intelligence Database

Besides assisting us in basic tasks, an artificial intelligence database can help us in many ways. Let us explore these areas.

➢       Housing

If you’re looking for a house, then AI can figure it out for you. Models with an open source machine learning database can crunch behemoth data points. They suggest a perfect house as well as factors to keep in mind for future references.

➢       Matchmaking

This is probably the area where this guardian angel will play a vital role. Humans generally have to choose partners solely on the basis of looks.In the case of open source artificial intelligence, matchmaking is done on the basis of personality traits. It is a very efficient and reliable alternative.

➢       Traffic

Increasing traffic is one of the most common problems in cities across the globe. People in urban areas spend hours in traffic jams. An artificial intelligence database and open source learning can solve this problem.

Through analysis and predictive modelling can reduce the traffic in certain areas. Furthermore, researchers can also develop a surge model to monitor and control traffic.

Our Takeaway

AI has lots of potential to become our guardian angel. Besides crunching data, researchers are combining it with computer vision techniques. For instance, detecting a truck carrying a heavy load implies that the traffic might slow down in its path.

Furthermore, AI can also detect our emotions. This can lead to customization of surroundings and personal guardian angels.

Data analysis can make existing systems more effective and robust. It can also help to understand a person together. Harnessing an artificial intelligence database can be miraculous for society. This is a billion dollar concept that can change many industries for a greater good.